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Fog (i.e. Uncertainty)

One of the scariest things in life is uncertainty. How am I supposed to step forward when I can’t even see where I’m going? How do I know if my next step won’t be to my demise?

It’s a lot like fog. I’m sitting on my roof at 3am and I can’t really see more than a few hundred yards out because of the fog. I find myself thinking if that fog was over my building and I couldn’t see where I was walking. I could end up falling off of the edge of the building. But, does that mean I am supposed to stand still until I can see again? That could be hours. Likewise, am I supposed to stand still when I can’t see in front of me. Is it wise to take steps when you have no idea where they will lead? We can’t live life scared stiff but at the same time we can’t live life making reckless decisions. So where’s the line?

I was talking to a good friend and in a conversation about real life (life after school) he asked me if it gets better…if there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My response was that real life is kinda just like a dimly lit room we all stumble around in hoping to not fall on our faces. Sounds pretty pessimistic right? Maybe it is.

However, through all of that, I have Jesus. I have a savior that no matter what decision I make in this life, He is sovereign. But, does that mean we can make moves in this life and take steps without a clear calling? What is a clear calling? Is it a job? Is it a relationship(s)? What does it mean to practically follow God’s will? If I decide to take a step without a clear concrete confirmation from God, is it ok? Is He going to bless me in that? Should that blessing even be a concern to me because this life isn’t about me? How do I take the next step when I can’t see where it will take me?

Just thoughts…would love to hear feedback.

Roadtrip advice

Don’t drive on HWY 1 after San Francisco. It kinda sucks. Sure, the curvy roads are fun to drive on but there is nothing to look at. Stick to the 101 (yeah I’ve adapted and started putting “the” in front of highway names but I can’t seem to do it with 40).

Goin on a roadtrip

Leaving tonight at 10pm with 3 friends on what I hope to be a pretty epic road trip up the CA coast to Portland and Seattle and back again. Should be good times. Hopefully I’ll remember to post as I go along. If not, forgive me.


Last night, I had the strangest but one of the most realistic dreams (probably more a nightmare).

I was walking in an open field in the middle of the day, about to go and see some friends when out of no where, the sky was filled with millions of meteors.  At first, I thought they were just passing far off in space but when they started getting closer, I began to panic.  I ran, dodging the falling rocks for what felt like an hour.  All the while, I am thinking that the world is ending.  After a while, I decided that I would just give up  because there didn’t seem to be any end to the falling rocks, but even, though I was just standing there, I was never hit.  I don’t remember what happened after that but I do remember that I did survive because I ended up in a bar stressed out.

Been A Long Time

So I’ve been encouraged by a couple friends to start blogging again. I haven’t really had a ton to say before now because there hasn’t been a ton going on, but as of now I will be moving from Carrboro, NC to Los Angeles, CA in less than a month (July 28) because I took a job as a Production Assistant at movie trailer company called Workshop Creative. Basically, I’m the person who does all the stuff no one else wants to do, but hopefully, I can impress them enough with my editing talent that I will only have to be doing it for 9 months to a year. The only thing I don’t have nailed down is housing. That is still TBD. Hopefully it all works out. I’m confident in God’s plan…whatever it may be.