Tag Archive | Citizen Kane


…well at least thats what they say.

Last night, I finally sat down with a group of friends and watched the famous Citizen Kane.  I had recently seen a bit of it on TV a couple months prior but it was really late so I didn’t stay up to watch it.  Being someone who studied Media Studies and Production, you would think I would have seen this movie a long time ago and even multiple times but for some reason, my professors were never really that excited about it so they never really showed it.  I don’t really know why but they didn’t.  You would think a film of this magnitude and clout would be shown in any and every film criticism class.  Alas, it was not. So that being said, I finally watched the movie last night.

I didn’t come into the movie completely ignorant, I had read some stuff in school in textbooks and had read a couple things on IMDb and Wikipedia (the temple of all knowledge in the world) about the film.  I’m not going to go into all of the detail about what the movie was about and all that.  You can read that or go see it on your own.  I am simply here to give my opinion of it.

Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for…
So I came into the film with a lot of high expectations with all of the chatter about it, but walked away kinda feeling not all that impressed.  Maybe its due to the fact that this generation is no longer impressed by a lot of things anymore.  We have become so jaded by the numerous different special effects that every film employs to wow its audiences that we fail to see the gravity of the films that employed them for the first time in their first forms.  I guess when I watched the film that way, yes, I could see why it was so highly acclaimed but the story itself just didn’t draw me in enough.  There were so many points of the film that were baseball-ish (I often go to baseball games not to watch the game but to have conversations because the game isn’t the most exciting thing and there are a lot of starts and stops. So if I say that again, you will know what it means).  The thing that probably kept me intrigued the most was the mystery of “rosebud,” Kane’s dying word.  Much like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction, its something that is never figured out in the film and left to viewer interpretation.  Overall, I would give it a 3 out of 5.

P.S.  if I ever decide to just end this blog, I want my last post to be titled Rosebud.  Let’s see if my current readers remember that if they are still reading when this thing ends.

P.P.S. please comment…it makes me feel like i actually have readers